BellaJohn Theatricals
Classic Theater, New Ideas.
BellaJohn Theatricals is a professional community theater project designed to be a notch above. We provide a great teaching tool for the up and coming young performer and we bring professional calibar actors together with new talent! Classic shows done in new and exciting ways. Partnered wth a non-profit organization called Performing Arts Scholarship Services /Eagle Rock Fellowship and BellaMar Studio of the Arts an academy for performers, these three entities bring together, teachers, vollenteers, artists and talent.
Innovative ideas
Jubel Obien
Artistic Director/Musical Arranger.Choreographer
Ralph Griffey
Guest Director-
Wizard Of oz &
High School Musical
Assistant Director
The Sound of Music
May 2015
Director: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang September 2105
Upcoming: Scream Queens! 2016
John Lawrence
Founder/Board of Directors
Pierre Vander Westhuizen
Guest Director Grease The musical
Asstiant Director-
Guys and Dolls
Mary Ann Schmidt
Assistant Director
Wizard of Oz/Cinderella
Direcotr: A chorus Line
Shane Cervantes
Guest Director- Peter Pan The Musical
Asst. Director: Full Monty
Melissa Smith
Director- Willy Wonka Jr 2015
Guest Choreographer-
Peter Pan The Musical
Annie The Musical